A fairer House than Prose—
More numerous of Windows—
Superior—for Doors—
Of Chambers as the Cedars—
Impregnable of Eye—
And for an Everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky—
Of Visitors—the fairest—
For Occupation—This—
The spreading wide of narrow Hands
To gather Paradise—
~Emily Dickinson
Possibilities. I love possibilities. I dwell in posibility. But above all that, I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me. Without Him, NOTHING is possible. I am thankful that I have Him.
In the movie "The Last Holiday" with Queen Latifah, she made a Possibilities Book. When I was younger, I would get bridal magazines and plan my dream wedding. It got to the point where I had too many magazines and I needed to consolidate. What I did was out of each magazine I tore out the things that I liked and pasted it into a big blank scrapbook. When I finished over a period of several months, I had filled up the entire book and also almost 1/2 of another one! The first book is so big that the binding came off. I plan to keep it for my daughter(s) to look at and get inspired. And it's a great memory.
I have been thinking of starting two more Posibilities Book - one for my creative side and the other for home decor. I might just end up doing the creative one though. We shall see! I kind of view the Posibilities Book as a way to creatively put down your dreams, aspirations, goals, ideas, thoughts, and everything else on paper. I know the Lord has put a creative theme in me and I need to get it out! Sometimes I wouldn't have done anything creative/crafty for a while that I have to just sit down and do it before I explode or lose what I was thinking. It definitely helps when you can put it on paper.
Do you have a Possibilities Book? If so, what do you see possible?
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