Here they are:
Vows - Stephen(groom)
When I say I love you,
I’m not just making you my wife,
I’m making you my best friend,
My last dance, my only hope, and forever lover.
When I say I love you,
I’m not claiming to have all the answers,
I’m praying that together
We’ll ask all the right questions.
When I say I love you,
I’m not just expressing a feeling,
I’m solidifying a commitment
And I’ll spend my whole life to proving it to you.
When I say I love you,
I’m not repeating “'til death do us part,"
I’m promising to be with you forever
In this life and the life to come.
When I say I love you,
I’m not just voicing mere words
I’m expressing how I’ve been surprised, challenged, engaged
And humbled—realizing that soul mates really do exist.
When I say I love you,
I’m not giving you human love
I’m pouring out God’s unconditional, sacrificial love
Dying to self, in hope that I can better serve you and honor you.
Abby, you are an undeserved blessing, a gift from God, and a dream realized. Much of my heart is closed to everyone in this world—but I open it to you. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know that I don’t have one without you. Just know that when I say I love you, I love you.
Vows – Abby (bride)
When I say I love you,
I’m not just making you my husband,
I’m making you my strong tower,
The family leader, my heart’s protector, and my goodnight kiss
When I say I love you,
I’m not just standing before family and friends,
I’m kneeling before Christ our Savior
Praying that His grace will knit our lives together
When I say I love you,
I’m not just adding your last name,
I’m subtracting our loneliness, dividing our sorrows
And multiplying our joys so that two can become one
When I say I love you,
I’m not asking you to make me whole,
I’m asking you to stay focused on God
And through His power and will, together we’ll be made holy
When I say I love you,
I’m not expecting happily ever after,
I’m preparing to hike the mountaintops and the valleys,
Swim through the joys and the sorrows, battle the good times and the bad
To make a life with you
When I say I love you,
I don’t want a big house or a fancy car
I just want to live in your arms and touch your heart
And dream bigger dreams than we could do separately
Stephen, you are the man of my dreams—a real-life knight in shining armor. My heart is never experienced such peace, and I never feel closer to God than I do when I’m with you. I may not be perfect, but I believe that we fit perfectly together. Just know that when I say I love you, I love you.
1 comment:
these are beautiful!
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