In Spring Break '09, my best friend and I ventured out on the open road to Southeastern University (my college) for their 3rd Annual National Leadership Forum. It was one of the most life-impacting thing that I have ever experienced. We got to see some of the most well-known mentors and leaders of today. To give you an example, some of the people that spoke were Ken Blanchard, Megyn Kelly from Fox News, Matthew Barnett of the Dream Center, and my most favorite, Erwin McManus. If you have ever heard Erwin speak, I think you know what I am talking about! I didn't and couldn't take any notes because I was afraid I was going to miss something he said. He was INCREDIBLE! I love his books as well.
Anywho, every year SEU gives a discipleship/leadership type of award to one person. That year we went, Blake McCoskie of TOMS was the one receivig the award. At the time, I didn't know who the heck Blake was or even what TOMS was. When Blake received his award, I was blown away at what all he has accomplished, especially at a young age. I was truly touched and inspired. After the ceremony, SEU actually had set up their gym as a place for people to go learn more about TOMS and even purchase some. The first pair I ever bought were these green tye-dye TOMS. I cherish them still even though they probably should be tossed out from so much use. Since then, TOMS has grown tremendously by offering different shoe styles, colors, and even limited edition designer TOMS. Not to mention child/youth sizes.
Over the past few months, Blake announced that they will no longer be a shoe company, but a One for One Company. They held us all in suspense for at least a 1-2 months waiting to see what the new TOMS product will be. But, since I am nice, I will tell you right now. It's Eyewear! TOMS is now taking on a new set of needs: sight. I am truly excited about this and hope to get a pair in the new future ($135-$145 a pair). I don't really look at what it costs me, but how much it would/could cost someone else who doesn't receive the eyecare they need.

One of the things that he said really touched me. I have been feeling for quite some time the Lord putting a desire in my heart to create, develop, and help people in their time of need - whatever that may be. He said, "I would argue that whatever chance we might be taking in a business sense, it is a small one compared to dealing with my conscious in the quiet morning hours knowing that we could have helped so many more people in many more ways with our model and movement, but instead played it safe." Blake goes on to say that they had to get to a certain place in the company and in the community for the One for One concept to become a One for One Company. This took four years in the making and it was well worth the time, patience, and responsibility.
Carpe Diem,

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