Friday, June 24, 2011
PB Woodland
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Shadow Puppets
When Stephen and I were watching TV last night, we look outside the window because all of a sudden the trees when from being normal to been sideways due to high winds (at least 60 mph). It was crazy! And quite scary. Within minutes, our power went out. It was raining, VERY windy, and loud. We went and got candles and such.
But what was so funny about this whole thing is Stephen really wanted to see his favorite show "Memphis Beat" at 9:00PM. We ended up doing shadow finger puppets on the wall with my cell phone flash light for entertainment. How said and. Major Nerd alert!!
When Steve left for work, we still didn't have power. Hopefully it will be on when I get home. But, I hear that the storms are coming back at 4:00-4:30. AWESOME.
But what was so funny about this whole thing is Stephen really wanted to see his favorite show "Memphis Beat" at 9:00PM. We ended up doing shadow finger puppets on the wall with my cell phone flash light for entertainment. How said and. Major Nerd alert!!
When Steve left for work, we still didn't have power. Hopefully it will be on when I get home. But, I hear that the storms are coming back at 4:00-4:30. AWESOME.

Sunday, June 19, 2011
Tribute: My Dad
On Father's Day, I want to say that I love you. You have been a major support system in my life. And I don't mean just financially! You have always been a great encourager, protector, comedian, friend, and tender-hearted. You always knew what to say at the right time - especially during the really hard conversations! (Gotta love the serious/silliness techniques). I know I haven't always been the easiest child to parent, but I sure appreciate every single thing you did to make my life easier. Thank you for working so hard and sacrificing things for Joel and I. I know he sure appreciates everything you and mom have done for him over the years as well!
One of my fondest memories of us is when we lived in Colorado Springs. Sometimes when mom and I would wait for you to get out of work, you would let me sit in the semi truck with you and let me "steer" the wheel. I will never forget that! I thought I was so cool. Another one of my fondest memories was when we drove all the way through Illinois to the southern tip of Wisconsin to drop of a mold for Uncle Steve. When we were in Illinois, we stopped in and saw your family. I will never forget Grandpa K telling me, "Boy your a big girl!" and how he said it made it sound like I was 500lbs! Haha. I loved being able to spend that much Daddy/Daughter time. I also remember the time when I wrecked my car and you spent the whole morning taking it apart and fixing the radiator. That really meant alot to me.
But one of my favorite memories was when Stephen asked you if he could marry me. I wasn't there, but I heard you said with a straight face, "If you hurt my daughter, I'll kill ya." And you couldn't hold in the laughter but 10 seconds. And then we come to my wedding. How handsome you looked in the suit. I know it was stressful with your fittings and even just the wedding planning period. But thank you for giving me the privilege of walking down the aisle with me.
Dad, I will always be your little girl and I want you to know that I love you very much.
Happy Father's Day!!
PS....I wish I had a photo of us when I was younger with me to post. :)
Your Daughter,

Friday, June 17, 2011
The Office: Art / Fabric
As I have said in my previous post about the office, I am painting the office Sherwin Williams "Swanky Gray." *Love* But, I also wanted to show you the different fabrics and artwork I plan to put in the office:

Ashley Silvernell on |
"To Those About to Rock" print by PJRodio on |
Grace Kelly Picture on |
"Black and White Photograph of Wicklow Mountains in Ireland" by RealImages on |
Custom Wedding Date Print by AppleBlossomPrint on |
KeepCalm Shop on | | | | | |

Thrifty Never Felt So Good
I started communicating with Keri, the seller, and come to find out that they never used the set until a few months ago!! It's virtually brand new. Suppressing my excitement, I kindly and gently asked if the price was negotiable or firm. She said she would take it for $175!! I was so excited!! I went right after work yesterday to her [really nice] neighborhood and talked with her for a while. Her family was getting ready to expect their 3 child and needed to make room. What an incredibly nice woman!
With that said, we are picking up our new dining set tomorrow morning! I would post pictures of it, but the CL ad was already taken off. But, I will make sure I take pictures and post soon! I have plans for this table eventually. But it is nice the way it is for now. :-)
Also! The other day I also bought a nice wooden drafting table on CL for $25! You can't beat that price! Since I have been seriously considering going back and getting my Interior Design degree, I think it would be a perfect addition to my office. :)
Have a Happy Friday, Ya'll!!
Carpe Diem,

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Why Not Stick to Shoes?
In Spring Break '09, my best friend and I ventured out on the open road to Southeastern University (my college) for their 3rd Annual National Leadership Forum. It was one of the most life-impacting thing that I have ever experienced. We got to see some of the most well-known mentors and leaders of today. To give you an example, some of the people that spoke were Ken Blanchard, Megyn Kelly from Fox News, Matthew Barnett of the Dream Center, and my most favorite, Erwin McManus. If you have ever heard Erwin speak, I think you know what I am talking about! I didn't and couldn't take any notes because I was afraid I was going to miss something he said. He was INCREDIBLE! I love his books as well.
Anywho, every year SEU gives a discipleship/leadership type of award to one person. That year we went, Blake McCoskie of TOMS was the one receivig the award. At the time, I didn't know who the heck Blake was or even what TOMS was. When Blake received his award, I was blown away at what all he has accomplished, especially at a young age. I was truly touched and inspired. After the ceremony, SEU actually had set up their gym as a place for people to go learn more about TOMS and even purchase some. The first pair I ever bought were these green tye-dye TOMS. I cherish them still even though they probably should be tossed out from so much use. Since then, TOMS has grown tremendously by offering different shoe styles, colors, and even limited edition designer TOMS. Not to mention child/youth sizes.
Over the past few months, Blake announced that they will no longer be a shoe company, but a One for One Company. They held us all in suspense for at least a 1-2 months waiting to see what the new TOMS product will be. But, since I am nice, I will tell you right now. It's Eyewear! TOMS is now taking on a new set of needs: sight. I am truly excited about this and hope to get a pair in the new future ($135-$145 a pair). I don't really look at what it costs me, but how much it would/could cost someone else who doesn't receive the eyecare they need.

One of the things that he said really touched me. I have been feeling for quite some time the Lord putting a desire in my heart to create, develop, and help people in their time of need - whatever that may be. He said, "I would argue that whatever chance we might be taking in a business sense, it is a small one compared to dealing with my conscious in the quiet morning hours knowing that we could have helped so many more people in many more ways with our model and movement, but instead played it safe." Blake goes on to say that they had to get to a certain place in the company and in the community for the One for One concept to become a One for One Company. This took four years in the making and it was well worth the time, patience, and responsibility.
Carpe Diem,

Thursday, June 9, 2011
First Project: The Office
I am SUPER excited about my first ever project in the house: The Office. I was lucky enough to receive 2 FREE metal desks that someone needed to get rid of. Obviously I jumped on that! Over the past several weeks when I have had time, I worked on the desk. That's right, just one of them. Since this is my first project, I wasn't sure of what direction I wanted to go with it. I had a general idea. With several hours of taping, painting, taping, and some more painting, here is the desk [almost] finished:
I plan to paint the room tomorrow/Saturday, so hopefully I can finish the desk and have it in there with it painted! I will post pics of this final step. :)
I still need to retouch the granite gray color and put the handles back on. I am still deciding whether or not I want to paint the handles the gray or leave the shiny silver. Any thoughts?
Also, something I am really excited about is the paint color I picked for the room. It took me forever to pick something out that I liked. With the help of Sherwin Williams online painting tool, I got to see what it will look like with the paint color I picked out! It's called "Swanky Gray." It is a purple-ish gray. LOVE IT!
Sherwin Williams "Swanky Gray"

Catching Up
Sometimes I feel like I am always catching up on the things I love to do. Like writing on in this blog! I always have well-meaning intentions of doing so, but somehow it doesn't seem to get done. It amazes me how much has happened in a month. Stephen and I went to visit his family in Kentucky/Indiana for Memorial Day weekend. That went really well and it was nice to relax this trip. I will hopefully start to post pictures soon! My stupid laptop has gotten another virus and all the pictures I have downloaded are one there. I don't plan to touch it until I can download the pictures back onto a thumb drive.

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