Wednesday night, we decided to watch the movie Invictus On Demand. The movie was really, really good! I highly recommend it! It makes me want to read a biography on Nelson Mandela. Anywho, at the end of the movie all of a sudden our fire alarms start going off. At 10PM. I had sort of forgot that I had candles on in the bedroom when I was cleaning earlier that evening, but we went into the bedroom, but there wasn't any smoke or anything on fire...so at this point, we are both kind of freaking out and hoping the fire department isn't on their way. We finally got them to turn off. Thankfully, in a weird sort of way, we are glad to know they work and that the fire department wasn't outside our door. lol.
So, this morning when I stepped outside our apartment, there is a kid (probably 8-9 yrs old) that lives in the apartment next to us sitting in a lawn chair. As I am heading to my car he starts saying, "the other night...." Oh crap. He is going to say something about the fire alarms..."I heard someone playing the guitar. Who was playing?" I said it was my husband. The kid then says with a great big smile, "He is really good! I was in bed and I could hear him playing and it put me to sleep!" Awwwww. How cute! I told him maybe he could help teach him sometime and he says that he has a quitar, but one of his strings broke.
After making a little more small talk with him, I got in my car and started heading to work. I called Stephen immediately and told him what he said. He laughed. It's amazing how God can use little things like that to draw people closer to Him. I plan on inviting him church. It always amazes me all the ministry opportunities the Lord sets before us and sometimes we don't even know it or recognize it.
Lord, I thank you for all the ministry opportunities you give us each and every day! I ask that you continue showing and revealing these opportunities to me and Stephen. Lord, that we would always be willing and able for You to work through us to reach other people. I pray this in Jesus Name. Amen!
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