Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Oh Hail No!

How time flies when you are....trying to catch up with life!! I have been wanting to write for sooo long it's not even funny. Last week was definitely interesting with all the tornados, hail, rain, wind, etc. Thankfully, our house or cars didn't sustain any damage.

However, we did have a guy cut down our tree last Tuesday night. It is one of those situations where a guy is looking for work, tells you his sob story, and then says he will cut down your tree for $125. Surprisingly, Stephen said yes to the guy. I was pretty sick all last week with a sinus/head cold thing, so I wasn't sound to make any true decisions. The guy cut down our tree, but before he could get any more work done, it started to rain really bad. He said he would come the next day and finish the work. He even left his chain saw. So, Stephen [unfortunately] paid him, and he came the next day....and got his saw.

He came back the following night to say he was sorry he couldn't get the work finish since his chainsaw blew up and it was currently being repaired. He had the audacity to ask if he could borrow a $100 to pay for the repairs! Then asked for a ride home since he walked all the way to our house. Needless to say, we haven't seen him since.

Come Friday, Stephen went home during lunch to check to see if the tree had been done. Someone with the city was parked in our driveway. Someone in our neighborhood called the city and complained about our tree. Really?? It had been there less than a week! Not to mention all the hail and storms we had. I would of at least expected them to at least come to us first and talk about it. Oh well. The guy with the city actually was quite surprised as to why they were called. The tree still looked fresh (duh!). He told us that we could put the brush at the side of the curb and the city will come pick it up.

Well the tree is done now. We worked on it Saturday for a couple of hours. The stump is still there and I need to move the logs to the backyard for firewood. The lawn needs to be mowed really badly.

I am thankful that none of our stuff or house were damaged in the storm. I pray for the families that did!

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