Yesterday morning when I was at work I was enjoying leisurely doing my daily morning tasks and sipping on my pretty good coffee in my adorably cute pink coffee mug exactly like the one pictured except it had all things that started with "A".
Out of the middle of nowhere this gnat comes flying around my face and it's really beginning to "bug" me. Pun intended. We have been having gnat problems for quite awhile and I have become very well experienced in my ninja gnat killing skills. We have told our plant service that we keep having these problems and we keep getting the same answer out of him! I could probably repeat it back to you verbatim. It goes like this: "I don't know why you have gnats. I have over ___ accounts and none of them complain about gnats." At this point, my eye starts to twitch when he says this. He has even gone to the extreme as to search through one of our admin's trashcan and told my boss there was a banana peel in there. The trash is taken out every day! Geez! Gnats can't form that quickly...can they?
ANYWHO.....back to my story.
When I had reached my limit of this gnat "bugging" me, I followed it with my eyes and put my hands together and.....CLAP!!!!.....(opening to see my palms to see if Mission: Gnat was successful)....NOTHING!...So, I pull my hands towards me and as I did this, my hand hit my coffee cup and spilled it all down the front of my clothes and onto the tile floor. I was SOAKING with coffee. CRAP. So, I hurry and get some paper towels and clean up the mess and tried to blot the chair. Thankfully I was wearing a certain kind of material that dries pretty quickly. By the afternoon, it looked like nothing ever happened! Except my emotional scar that has been inflicted. I believe that one day I will win this war against the gnat population...but for now, I will take what I can get! I have already killed 2 or 3 already this morning. I consider that progress.
1 comment:
i feel your pain sister....i get fruit flies/gnats at my house really bad and i have NO IDEA where they come from! even when i don't have any fruit in the house! apparently they can live inside sink drains so i frequently pour some bleach down there, but i don't know that you want to be pouring bleach at work! hopefully your day is free from bugs and spills! love ya!
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